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Full details of this ARM Template are available in the following article An Azure Logic Apps to automate Azure SQL Databases scaling.

Deployment through the Portal

Deployment through PowerShell

# Variables
$AzureRmSubscriptionName = "<yoursubid>"
$RgName = "<rgname>"
$UserAssignedIdentityName = "<identityname>"
$SqlServerId = "/subscriptions/xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx/resourceGroups/rgname/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/yourserver"
$templateUri = ""

# Action
## Login first with Connect-AzAccount if not using Cloud Shell
$AzureRmContext = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureRmSubscriptionName | Set-AzContext -ErrorAction Stop
Select-AzSubscription -Name $AzureRmSubscriptionName -Context $AzureRmContext -Force -ErrorAction Stop

## Create a user-assigned managed identity, for more information on this procedure you chec have a look on the following [reference](
$UserAssignedIdentity = New-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $RgName -Name $UserAssignedIdentityName

## Assign the role to the managed identity, for more information on this procedure you chec have a look on the following [reference](
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $UserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId -RoleDefinitionName "SQL DB Contributor" -Scope $SqlServerId

## Deploy Azure Logic Apps
Write-Host "Deploying to the resource group : $RgName Azure Logic Apps that will scale SQL Databases" -ForegroundColor Cyan

$parameters = @{
    tags = @{
        role = 'Scale down Azure SQL Databases'
    userAssignedIdentityId = $UserAssignedIdentity.Id
    logicAppName = 'demo-scale-down-sql-logic'
    sqlServerId = $SqlServerId
    desiredSkusPerDatabases = @{
        target = @(
            name = "DEMO1"
            sku = @{
                capacity = 5
                name = "Basic"
                tier = "Basic"
            name = "DEMO2"
            sku = @{
                capacity = 5
                name = "Basic"
                tier = "Basic"
    recurrence = @{
        frequency = "Week"
        interval = 1
        schedule = @{
            hours = @("20")
            minutes = @(0)
            weekDays = @("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
        timeZone = "Romance Standard Time"

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name "SqlDatabasesScaleDown" -ResourceGroupName $RgName `
  -TemplateFile ./template.json `
  -TemplateParameterObject $parameters

$parameters = @{
    tags = @{
        role = 'Scale up Azure SQL Databases'
    userAssignedIdentityId = $UserAssignedIdentity.Id
    logicAppName = 'demo-scale-up-sql-logic'
    sqlServerId = $SqlServerId
    desiredSkusPerDatabases = @{
        target = @(
            name = "DEMO1"
            sku = @{
                capacity = 20
                name = "Standard"
                tier = "Standard"
            name = "DEMO2"
            sku = @{
                capacity = 20
                name = "Standard"
                tier = "Standard"
    recurrence = @{
        frequency = "Week"
        interval = 1
        schedule = @{
            hours = @("8")
            minutes = @(0)
            weekDays = @("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
        timeZone = "Romance Standard Time"

New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name "SqlDatabasesScaleUp" -ResourceGroupName $RgName `
  -TemplateFile ./template.json `
  -TemplateParameterObject $parameters